
Tutorials and documentation for using OMIQ for cytometry analysis

Getting Started

Discover OMIQ and see how you can go quickly from raw data to final results.
Master the basics of OMIQ with this short video series covering the interface, metadata, feature names and the OMIQ workflow.
Watch this step-by-step series and learn how to prepare your metadata and features before analysis in OMIQ.

Classical Analysis

Discover how to manage compensation or calculate compensation from a single stain with this short video series.
Learn to work with AutoSpill compensation. From configuring your metadata and settings to using your results.
Learn how to adjust your scaling and transform your data in OMIQ with this short video series.
This in-depth video series teaches all the functions of gating include how to perform subsampling and backgating.
With this video series, learn how to create and edit plots, graphs, and other visualizations in OMIQ.

High Dimensional Analysis

Learn how to run dimensionality reduction in OMIQ and visualize the results.
Learn about clustering in OMIQ with this series, including meta clustering, cluster overlays, and clustered heatmaps.
This in-depth video series teaches how to perform and interpret statistical differential analysis in OMIQ using SAM.
Watch this in-depth video series and learn how to perform and interpret trajectory interference in OMIQ using Wishbone.
Learn how to perform flowAI in OMIQ with this step-by-step video series.

Data Management

Learn how to form connections so you can share datasets, workflows and results with your team in OMIQ.
Learn how to concatenate data, either as virtual or permanent concatenated files.
Watch this video series and learn how to export plots, figures, and statistical results for further analysis or publication.

Frequently Asked Questions

Experience the future of flow cytometry.